Ownership Profile

Shareholder Breakdown

Shareholder Holders Value ($MM) % O/S Shares
Institution 271 856.37 110.73 38,396,674
Mutual Fund 324 212.33 29.69 10,379,921
Insider 18 35.32 5.44 1,886,701

Institutional Shareholder Rotation

Shareholder Holders Value Chg ($MM) % O/S Share Change
Buyers 120 67.17 8.71 3,020,482
Sellers 166 -175.66 21.78 -7,553,547
Net -108.48 13.07 -4,533,065

Institutional Shareholder Concentration

Amount Value ($MM) % O/S Shares
Total Inst. 891.28 116.06 40,247,661
Top 10 Inst. 493.00 63.86 22,145,969
Top 20 Inst. 612.45 79.40 27,534,133
Top 50 Inst. 759.65 98.94 34,310,254

Institutional Shareholder Style

Style Holders Value ($MM) % Inst Shares Shares
Growth 70 148.97 19.19 6,652,746
Aggressive Growth 4 17.00 2.17 752,694
Core Growth 53 119.86 15.48 5,367,978
Growth 13 12.12 1.53 532,074
Income 8 5.14 0.61 212,137
Income Value 3 5.00 0.59 204,714
Yield 5 0.14 0.02 7,423
Index 37 323.50 41.28 14,315,359
Other 67 128.99 17.64 6,115,804
Broker Dealer 18 27.43 3.58 1,240,151
GARP 25 76.71 10.88 3,772,454
Hedge Fund 19 20.75 2.65 917,398
Specialty 5 4.10 0.54 185,801
Value 42 227.37 29.02 10,063,188
Core Value 31 91.83 11.74 4,071,263
Deep Value 11 135.54 17.28 5,991,925

Top Holders: Institutional Investor

Holder Shares Held % O/S Share Change Filing Date
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. 5,391,432 15.55 412,250 12/31/23
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 2,489,609 7.18 44,421 12/31/23
Pacer Advisors, Inc. 2,489,580 7.18 834,941 12/31/23
Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. 2,256,832 6.51 76,954 12/31/23
Wasatch Global Investors Inc 2,139,820 6.17 -53,784 3/31/24
Principal Global Investors (Equity) 1,966,986 5.67 735 12/31/23
Systematic Financial Management, L.P. 1,637,674 4.72 -216,258 12/31/23
State Street Global Advisors (US) 1,387,858 4.00 96,314 12/31/23
Wellington Management Company, LLP 1,372,044 3.96 -376,430 12/31/23
Royce Investment Partners 1,014,134 2.92 106,370 12/31/23

* Insider values reflect direct beneficial ownership.

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